People Centered Leadership Workshop Leading with Psychological Safety

8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Eastern
Event Type(s)
Member Event
Event Description

People Centered Leadership Workshop

Empowering Leadership: Leading with Psychological Safety

The leadership of the future will be defined by its ability to foster psychological safety within organizations.

As the workplace continues to evolve, the most effective leaders will be those who recognize the importance of creating an environment where employees feel empowered to take risks, voice their ideas, and embrace change without fear of repercussion.

By cultivating psychological safety, these empowered forward-thinking leaders will unlock the full potential of their teams, encouraging open communication, collaboration, and innovation

What is Psychological Safety and Why it is Critical to Leadership?

Psychological safety is the belief that one can take interpersonal risks—such as speaking up, offering ideas, reporting errors, and taking chances—without fear of negative consequences like humiliation, marginalization, rejection, or punishment. It is a critical component of high-performing teams and is foundational to fostering an environment of trust, innovation, and growth.

Dr. Amy Edmondson, a renowned expert on Psychological Safety and a Professor at Harvard Business School, has extensively researched this concept. Her findings reveal that when leaders cultivate psychological safety, it enables teams to collaborate openly and effectively. This leads to better decision-making, improved problem-solving, a reduction in avoidable failures, and an overall increase in performance.

In a psychologically safe environment, team members feel secure in taking interpersonal risks. This includes expressing ideas and opinions, asking questions, admitting mistakes, providing feedback, seeking help, disagreeing with others, and engaging in vulnerable conversations. By promoting psychological safety, leaders create a culture where team members can thrive and contribute their best work.

Benefits of Psychological Safety

In today's fast-paced and ever-changing work environment, leaders who prioritize psychological safety can: Significantly reduce avoidable failures and dangerous silence within their teams.

High levels of psychological safety are linked to increased employee engagement, retention, and overall well-being.

According to the American Psychological Association, psychological safety helps mitigate biases and encourages fair treatment of all team members, which is essential for creating a truly inclusive workplace​​​​.

The Harvard Business Review highlights that teams with high psychological safety levels exhibit significantly higher collaboration, which is critical for leveraging diverse perspectives effectively​​​​.

Improves Employee Engagement : Psychological safety increases employee engagement by 76%. Engaged employees are more motivated, committed, and productive, contributing positively to the organization’s goals​​​​.

Continuous Improvement: Organizations with high psychological safety are better positioned to continuously improve processes and practices. Employees feel empowered to suggest improvements and challenge the status quo, leading to ongoing enhancements and innovation​

Employee Well-Being: Psychological safety contributes to lower stress levels, greater job satisfaction, and improved overall well-being. Employees who feel safe and supported are happier, healthier, and more productive​​

Work Life Balance: By fostering a supportive environment, psychological safety helps employees maintain a better work-life balance, reducing the risk of burnout and enhancing their overall quality of life​​.

By creating a culture where every team member feels valued and heard, leaders can unlock the full potential o f their teams and drive sustainable success.
Why Attend?
Join our Psychological Safety Workshop to become a leader who drives innovation, collaboration, and resilience in your organization. Learn how to create a work environment where employees feel empowered to voice their ideas, take risks, and embrace change without fear.
The leadership of the future will be defined by its ability to foster psychological safety within organizations. As the workplace continues to evolve, the most effective leaders will be those who recognize the importance of creating an environment where employees feel empowered to take risks, voice their ideas, and embrace change without fear of repercussion. By cultivating psychological safety, these forward-thinking leaders will unlock the full potential of their teams, encouraging open communication, collaboration, and innovation.

When employees feel safe to be vulnerable and express themselves freely, they are more likely to take ownership of their work, challenge the status quo, and contribute unique perspectives that drive the organization forward. This shift in leadership approach will be crucial in navigating the complexities of the modern business landscape, where agility, adaptability, and a willingness to experiment are key to staying ahead of the curve. By prioritizing psychological safety, the leaders of the future will build thriving, resilient organizations that are poised to thrive in an ever-changing world.


Setting: In-Person
Kovalchick Convention and Athletic Complex (KCAC)
711 Pratt Drive
INDIANA, Pe 15701

click here for Google Maps
Contact Person
Rhonda Parkhurst
(phone: 724-599-2503)

Indiana County Chamber of Commerce Members receive  $75 Registration   When registering please click on the Indiana County Workshop Registration Link for Discount
Kovalchick Convention and Athletic Complex (KCAC) 

Discount Code: Chamb24 

711 Pratt Drive Indiana, Pa 15701

 Breakfast and Registration Check at starts at 8:00 am, Workshop starts at 9:00 am and ends at 4:00 pm

For more information please contact or call 724-403-2522

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